I am Kirsi Sarimaa I work as certified Charles Ersdal Zone Therapist. Zone therapy uses specific techniques of manipulation of the feet to stimulate the body’s every cell and natural healing responses, enabling the body's own repair to an ideal level of function. Appointments by message 0500 739 498 Find out more: www.kirsisarimaa.com |
Zone therapy is an approximately 5,000-year-old form of treatment, where by manipulating the feet, all tissues are stimulated through every cell of the body i.e. organs, muscles, nerves, bones, etc to seek balance, correcting all the error states itself according to the amount of raw materials, energy and other repair substances in the body.
My other education: Shiatsu i.e. manual pressure on acupuncture points in the rhythm of breathing. Phytotherapy, i.e. herbal treatments. The basics of homeopathy, using stimulation of the body to correct the state of imbalance. Bone setting, i.e. manipulation of the muscles, enabling the position of the the bones to a more suitable position for the body. Micronutrient therapy, guiding everyone's personal listening to balance the state of the body. Enneagrams, i.e. making a person's subconscious mind more conscious. Fundamentals of Chinese Medicine. Basics of Ayerveda.
I use these and others in my work, supporting a person's own ability to enable his/hers own healing.
My story:
The first vaccination at the age of two days changed the course of my life. When I got sick, the doctors "threw their hands up", unable to help. So I was sick for about 20 years until one doctor pointed the way allowing my body to heal itself. For about 40 years, I have been helping people of all ages to help themselves.